

Helping you find your place.

Open Doors Utah offers comprehensive housing programs to help families and individuals facing homelessness. Through Homeless Prevention, Homeless to Housed, and Street Outreach, we provide rental assistance, case management, and critical support to ensure housing stability. Each program is designed to address different stages of housing insecurity, helping people regain independence and build a secure future.

Homeless Prevention

Assists households in a housing crisis and facing possible eviction. Assists with landlord mediation to help keep the family in their unit and assists with one-time rent assistance to get the family caught up on payments. If staying in the unit is not possible, Open Doors may be able to assist them into another unit (with approval) and help with the security deposit and first month’s rent. This program has specific eligibility requirements for enrollment. There is no application for this program. The sooner you call us, the more we may be able to help you! Please call for this program BEFORE you’re experiencing homelessness.

Homeless to Housed

This is a short-term rental assistance program for families in temporary crisis. The program will pay the first month’s rent and security deposit on an approved housing unit. Each month thereafter, Open Doors will pay a declining portion of the rent until 100% of the rent is covered by the participant. While in this program, families meet regularly with a case manager. This program has specific eligibility requirements and requires enrollment. There is no application for this program. Meet with a case manager to get enrolled.

Street Outreach

Homeless to Housing case managers canvas the Davis County area on a regular basis in search of individuals who are experiencing literal homelessness and are not yet linked with homeless services. This program connects homeless individuals with homeless to housing case managers to help provide education about shelters, needed resources, and homeless to housing assistance. As an outreach program, there is no application for this program.

Meet Amelia

Impact Stories

Amelia was literally homeless due to domestic violence, and she was staying outside wherever she could. She no longer had family support or friends she could trust to help her. Her housing situation made it so she was barely holding onto her job. She was also trying to keep her little girl, Hannah, in her life. Hannah had been living with her father while Amelia was only allowed limited contact because she wasn't stably housed. Once she was enrolled in our Homeless to Housed program, it wasn’t long before Amelia got approved for an apartment. She continued to work hard and was eventually able to purchase a vehicle, and was then able to get a better job she could drive to. She was also able to see her daughter more often since she didn't need to rely on the bus. Over time, Amelia was able to have Hannah stay with her on the weekends, and eventually almost every night. She is now very involved in her daughter's life and has gone back to school to receive her GED.


Support for People When They Need It Most

Contact Us

Need assistance with housing stability or want to learn more about eligibility? Reach out to our Housing Case Manager.

Homeless to Housed Form

A man and a woman are sitting on a ledge overlooking a river.
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